Wednesday, June 29, 2011

back to floor wall ceiling

Back to the good old floor wall ceiling theory that I claimed is important in solving many age old questions.


Everything could literally or abstractly be classified as having a "floor", a "wall" and a "ceiling".
 The ceiling could be the literal highest point, or the leading figure.
The wall could be the middle component, or the majority, or the middle class.
The floor could be the bottom most part , or the lowest category.
I mentioned examples of how countries and then moved on to it being a more grandiose concept where God is the "ceiling"..etc.

I also want to say something else that I failed to mention before. Everything is also made up of two things/there are two things of everything.

This will be important later.

For now lets continue arguing for the purpose of life by using the same argument mentioned in the blog before last.

Someone knocks at the door, you need to ask him/her a questions so s/he can prove to you via his/her logical answers that s/he is telling the truth (and not by your knowledge because you have none. Only assumptions).
The ceiling here is the commander and rest is what is controlled, not a literal ceiling that is being held by the other components and there being a mutual dependency. If the ceiling were to create everything else, then it must logically be complete without the other things. It would not need the other things, but at least created them to fulfill some purpose. If there was a need then the ceiling wouldn't make free will. The ceiling would make logically make the most efficient creation that would suit the purpose it was made for.

Now another good point: when asking the person at the door who they are, you ask them to prove who they are based on first asking directly, then testing the answers that pertain to who they are. For example:
you: who are you?
door person: I am bob (person that you know)

you: well then if you really are bob then what did you say to me that one time on that one day when we were alone at this hour?
bob: I said (false answer)
you: you are not bob.
in which case if bob is desperate to prove his point
bob: I meant (something else), or i couldn't remember exactly, how about (new question).


if bob: I said (correct answer)
you: ok fine
you: what about that other time when (new question)

This is now the simplest way to find out who is at the door (the unseen). This does not pertain to the nature of the purpose that the ceiling created everything else for. This is just to varify if the ceiling truly is the creator (which by definition he is). So the system does not have to be fair to the creation.

Lets just say that the ceiling has made a fair (extremely complex) universe and made it have laws that he knows and can obviously alter at will. The complexity of the universe and the low intellect of the creation and their sometimes irrational emotions could lead to the seeming unfairness of the system. (More on that specifically in the future isa).

Would it only make sense to tell the creation without a shadow of a doubt that the ceiling created them (if they have cognition). It just so happens that it is in people's nature to be curious, especially about this topic. And it just so happens that every culture and civilization believed in a system where they worshiped a higher power. So one could say that it is the natural thing to do. It is programmed in us to know of the creator. It is logical to do so. Now what isn't logical is what some people do. Some humans (now most) are capable of thought and allow for arrogance or laziness (and other things, but mainly those two) to get the best of them and cloud their natural awareness.

I will need to talk about these evidences eventually, but I just wanted to make a solid foundation based on logic on how things are. Stay tuned for more.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

purpose of life cont.

its been a long time guys, i've missed you

alright so i know a lot of you guys have finals, but i had a few minutes of free time due to my designer's block (similar to a writer's block) and i am just taking a mini break and hopefully isa i get into it again after this.

so as i recall correctly i was talking about the validity of life having a purpose.

One of my points is that for life to be fair, it needs to have a system of retribution after life is over. This is necessary because a lot of injustice happens and if there isnt a system then life isnt fair.

Also for that or any system to exist (especially one with this immense level of complexity) there needs to be a purpose. Then for this life to be fair according to said purposeful system the rules need to be told to the creation to do their purpose they were created for towards the creator.

Also the reason for a creator needing to exist in the first place is because our laws, rules, and theories do not adequately explain how we arrived in the here and now (and I am ready to discuss in great depths, in depth or in public every one).

Before I get into what I believe in, and why, lets talk about this quick example.

If someone knocks at the door of your appartment, and there are many people with you inside. Everyone would probably start to argue and debate who is outside, and what do they want.

The first logical thing to do is to observe and or ask who it is depending on what is available. They would tell you who they are and what they want, then you would ask them more questions to varify logically if they are telling the truth based on what you know.

Equate this to a book, or a person that claims to tell you the answer to who is knocking. You would not tell the person knocking on the door that you know more about them than they do, you would say I don't believe you because what you are telling me is inconsistent with things I know are universal facts/valid logic.

So If someone were to argue with you about the purpose of life, you would defend it according to the validity of their arguments and not your own knowledge. As is the case with the person at the door, you know nothing about them, you can not see, hear, nor feel evidence of your purpose or how you came to exist.

Next are more points to consider before going forward with more 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

back to old stuff

so lets take a break from the current events, I know the death tole in Libya is more than 2000 in Benigazi alone, and Bahrain is also very chaotic with the [sadly] usual scene of shooting unarmed protestors. But for more accurate reporting of the issues go to or

Aight, so back to the FWC. The ceiling is the abstract idea of something on top, either controlling, or just physically above the other components. The walls are the middle group, being either the average majority, or just a thing that is in the middle. The floor is either the lowest in status, or rank, or just spacially lowest.

This again is important because according to me, this is a recurring theme, and understanding how one thing works might lead to understanding how another would.

I showed how political entities fall into this category, now how about other things.

For Humans, their ceiling is the physically high and also commanding unit which is their brains, The rest of the human body from the outside might be the walls, while the floor is the deep inner workings. The interesting thing about humans is that when one part of the body aches, the rest of the body gets affected. Everything runs so effectively and everything relates to one another. But when the brain is dead, the whole body is dead. One can get a heart attack, and their heart can be jolted back to life, likewise one can fix their body parts, and with stem cells, even grow them again to some extent.

This is an example of how important it is to have a "ceiling" These allegories are just to emphasize how important leaders are to a country, and to the other body parts, if we were to imagine countries as part of a whole body, and the whole being Earth. I already touched on that before saying that the leaders are doing all those atrocious things to their own people, and they are a huge factor in the demise and failure of their countries to be anything more than cold war standard 3rd world countries.

So if we were to super broaden our perspective, and discuss the whole universe as an FWC, how could I prove my theory. stay tuned for an interesting discussion about the purpose of life, the universe, and everything. That discussion might be interrupted if anything really interesting happens in the Arab world, in which case I will talk about that first.

Monday, February 21, 2011

how to rebuild the walls

The suggestions in this blog are for Egypt.

Building the walls requires a change from within, everyone needs to start working. Now that there are high spirits around, and people are free to say what they want, so this process should be effortless.

This isn't the case because the floor still needs to protest because a lot of their rights are still ignored, and the ceiling still hasn't returned what it stole from its people.

Revolution tourism should help a little, but the hotels are closed and banks are closed, and there is no police.

For people to eat again, they should work, return to their original jobs if they still exist, and try to encourage others to help. If you can't work, there is a bit of rebuilding to do. Of course the emergency law is still instated and people are still captured, but soon it will change.

Until all that gets settled, for the average person to be able to eat and prosper they need work. and volunteer as much as they can.

I understand that I am not in the middle of the action, and can't relate to the situation and can't comment on how easy it is to just "go back to work". But if I were there, I would do anything and everything without rest to help everyone around me, and provide whichever service I can for my community, and I would do it for free, and with a smile on my face. The whole time the revolution in Egypt was going on I couldn't sleep, and when I did, I would always have the recurring dream that I died fighting for my people's freedom, I truly wanted nothing more than to go back and be a part of the revolution. I couldn't because of financial reasons and school and the like. I plan to go to Egypt as soon as I can and do my best in volunteering for free, and spending whatever money I would have saved up from now till then on charitable and rebuilding efforts.

Something needs to be done to bring money into the country. The bank accounts of the ceiling are just now being frozen, and hopefully the people can get a lot of their property back out of it. But until their money gets back to them, everyone needs to work 10 times as hard. Look at Japan after world war 2, and their concept of Yamato Damasi. And later South Korea, and many other countries that developed economically at a very rapid rate because of the people's determination and intelligent output.

It is time for Tunisia, and Egypt, and hopefully all the other Arab countries after they become free to start producing, and giving something valuable to the human race. We need to be leading in scientific research and the arts. We need to produce our own food and other things necessarily for living.

In the next blog I will talk about how things were before, and what things are now. Then later I might talk about other abstract things.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

fwc cont.

lets assume that the walls are the majority of the people, and the floor is the poorest of the poor, and the ceiling is the government.

The floor has always been persevering with the patience of saints. The walls havent felt the suffering of ceiling's weight as much as the floor, but it is easier for the ceiling to hear the walls since they are closer.

The events of recent awesome that the arab countries are doing is a result of the walls using the internet and collective resonance and morale high to push themselves apart far enough for the ceiling to fall. this will naturally make the walls fall back and topple over the neighboring walls and make their ceilings fall.

The more walls domino effect into their neighbors the faster the process will be. what took Tunisia 30 days took Egypt 18, what took Egypt 18 is probably going to take Lybia less insha'allah (hopefully 3 days). And insha'allah it takes the other countries less and less. (insha'allah the number of casualties goes down as well, may God be with them, Ameen).

The thing about walls falling like dominos and affecting the others to allow the ceilings to fall, is that the walls themselves are now on the ground. Now the ceiling and walls are at the same level as the floor. The only difference is that the ceiling broke from the fall, but the walls are still intact, but are not up yet.

Now it is up for the walls to stand up again, and carry a light ceiling and ensure that the ceiling doesnt repeat its errors, and a flight of stairs be installed for the floor to reach the top.

The bigger question is how? how do the walls pick themselves up? what can they do?

stay tuned for some suggestions

Saturday, February 19, 2011


We established that every structured thing is made from 3 parts floor, wall, ceiling (highest/in command, middle, lowest (abstract or otherwise)). Let's discuss why it is even relevant for me to point that out.

This matters because I am discussing patterns that are similar throughout and saying that there is a universal connection between everything in this manner. If we can identify how something works, and fix its problem, then it is relatable for the other things, and could be fixed in the same or similar manner.

(this isnt true at all, but just go along with it for the sake of argument)

 I will need to return back to arguments about psychology, philosophy and religion after i make this quick allegory..

The normal functions of a ceiling are to protect what's underneath, and hold the walls together. Similarly ceilings are also figuratively in charge, according to my made up argument, they are supposed to manage the other two groups and do what is in the structure's best interest.
Ok so as you have already heard, the ceilings of the arab world, and nearby countries have been traditionally (for a very long time) been way too heavy for the support that holds them up. They have been putting too much pressure on the walls all the while using them to elevate their status and enjoy the luxuries that the walls and floor sacrifice for the ceiling's enjoyment. The "ceilings" have been not just using the walls, and overburdening them; but also expanding into the walls, taking them in, reducing their size while expanding the ceiling. they isolated themselves from the low life that the floor and walls have to live with, and became too high and mighty as their size grew taller and taller.

Little did ceilings know that they need walls and the floor for support, and eventually there is a tipping point and all will crumble if they continue in that way.

In my next blog, I will talk about what each part represents, and how those parts played out their roles in these recent events.

Friday, February 18, 2011

fwc continued

since it has been brought to my attention by Haroon, who commented on my last blog that my arguments are completely false, I will postpone relating the leaders of countries as overpowering ceilings till later. Naturally an argument made on the fly should not make sense, since it was titled bloggity blog blogger blog.

But I am going to defend my argument, even tho I have no attachment to it. I am also doing this so that my blog seems like there is some thought that is put onto it, and I am not just wasting time that would be otherwise wasted sleeping or doing homework.

My defense to the argument that fwcs only apply to rooms, and not buildings is that any of the three components could be an idea or a thing. It is an entity or any shape, size, dimension, real or imaginary. This whole thing is like saying that there are two types of people, people who classify people into two types of people, and people who don't. You really can't be wrong. The classifications I am making are arbitrary and henceforth not necessarily disproven. This is like frued's theories about the subconscious you can't prove it because you can't see the subconscious, and you also can't disprove it. The question is, how did they come up with the theory. Did he make it up, or did he base it off of scientific evidence. Am I making these theories up ....yes. I have admitted that the moment I started blogging.

But nonetheless I will continue to defend my arguments. Since They are arbitrary entities not just space, those who thought that because of my wording God is a space, then I tell them no I meant to say he is the creator of all and not necessarily occupying a specific space or him, exalted as he is, be merely reduced to a space.

Please stay tuned for actual political things, and not crazy philosophical weirdness about the purpose of life and the space time continuum. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

bloggitty blogger blog intro blog

lets talk about the floor wall ceiling theory that I am making up right now so that it looks like this blog is actually meaningful. Everything essentially has to have a floor, wall, and a ceiling for it to be a fully functional structural entity. I will shorten floor wall ceiling as [fwc]. Traditionally buildings and specifically rooms have had fwcs, but what I am talking about is a universal conceptualization of each. the universe for example could have an fwc with the highest part with God existing throughout it and governing his creation, and the wall are the skies, and the floor is whatever arbitrary unit of measurement you consider yourself attached to, be it the earth if you are presumably a human reading this blog right now, or a martian (next in line please!) snooping in on our business from another planet, then it is mars for you. Btw I tend to construct a lot of sentence fragments and I get derailed quite easily ... please bear with my bad speling, grammarings, and punctuation!?, ;:! Anyway similarly People have divided themselves (voluntarily and involuntarily) in countries, and those countries have fwcs too.

The question I am posing now is ...what happens when you take out a ceiling that has been getting too powerful and overpowering the walls and the floor. This will be my topic throughout the next few blogs. Then I shall return to this idea I just made up on the fly