Monday, February 21, 2011

how to rebuild the walls

The suggestions in this blog are for Egypt.

Building the walls requires a change from within, everyone needs to start working. Now that there are high spirits around, and people are free to say what they want, so this process should be effortless.

This isn't the case because the floor still needs to protest because a lot of their rights are still ignored, and the ceiling still hasn't returned what it stole from its people.

Revolution tourism should help a little, but the hotels are closed and banks are closed, and there is no police.

For people to eat again, they should work, return to their original jobs if they still exist, and try to encourage others to help. If you can't work, there is a bit of rebuilding to do. Of course the emergency law is still instated and people are still captured, but soon it will change.

Until all that gets settled, for the average person to be able to eat and prosper they need work. and volunteer as much as they can.

I understand that I am not in the middle of the action, and can't relate to the situation and can't comment on how easy it is to just "go back to work". But if I were there, I would do anything and everything without rest to help everyone around me, and provide whichever service I can for my community, and I would do it for free, and with a smile on my face. The whole time the revolution in Egypt was going on I couldn't sleep, and when I did, I would always have the recurring dream that I died fighting for my people's freedom, I truly wanted nothing more than to go back and be a part of the revolution. I couldn't because of financial reasons and school and the like. I plan to go to Egypt as soon as I can and do my best in volunteering for free, and spending whatever money I would have saved up from now till then on charitable and rebuilding efforts.

Something needs to be done to bring money into the country. The bank accounts of the ceiling are just now being frozen, and hopefully the people can get a lot of their property back out of it. But until their money gets back to them, everyone needs to work 10 times as hard. Look at Japan after world war 2, and their concept of Yamato Damasi. And later South Korea, and many other countries that developed economically at a very rapid rate because of the people's determination and intelligent output.

It is time for Tunisia, and Egypt, and hopefully all the other Arab countries after they become free to start producing, and giving something valuable to the human race. We need to be leading in scientific research and the arts. We need to produce our own food and other things necessarily for living.

In the next blog I will talk about how things were before, and what things are now. Then later I might talk about other abstract things.

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