Sunday, February 20, 2011

fwc cont.

lets assume that the walls are the majority of the people, and the floor is the poorest of the poor, and the ceiling is the government.

The floor has always been persevering with the patience of saints. The walls havent felt the suffering of ceiling's weight as much as the floor, but it is easier for the ceiling to hear the walls since they are closer.

The events of recent awesome that the arab countries are doing is a result of the walls using the internet and collective resonance and morale high to push themselves apart far enough for the ceiling to fall. this will naturally make the walls fall back and topple over the neighboring walls and make their ceilings fall.

The more walls domino effect into their neighbors the faster the process will be. what took Tunisia 30 days took Egypt 18, what took Egypt 18 is probably going to take Lybia less insha'allah (hopefully 3 days). And insha'allah it takes the other countries less and less. (insha'allah the number of casualties goes down as well, may God be with them, Ameen).

The thing about walls falling like dominos and affecting the others to allow the ceilings to fall, is that the walls themselves are now on the ground. Now the ceiling and walls are at the same level as the floor. The only difference is that the ceiling broke from the fall, but the walls are still intact, but are not up yet.

Now it is up for the walls to stand up again, and carry a light ceiling and ensure that the ceiling doesnt repeat its errors, and a flight of stairs be installed for the floor to reach the top.

The bigger question is how? how do the walls pick themselves up? what can they do?

stay tuned for some suggestions

1 comment:

  1. The problem with dominos however is that if one malfunctions and doesnt fall, the entire sequence stops. In your example, where walls fall and knock over other walls, I'm assuming the higher the brick is on that wall, the better off they are, it relies the highest bricks to fall the farthest from the cieling, which would be the position of power. I'm not sure that it was the top part of this wall that fell.

    I feel like, in respect to your example, that the walls have been cracking for a while and actually broke in the middle, dragging everything along with them.
