Wednesday, February 23, 2011

back to old stuff

so lets take a break from the current events, I know the death tole in Libya is more than 2000 in Benigazi alone, and Bahrain is also very chaotic with the [sadly] usual scene of shooting unarmed protestors. But for more accurate reporting of the issues go to or

Aight, so back to the FWC. The ceiling is the abstract idea of something on top, either controlling, or just physically above the other components. The walls are the middle group, being either the average majority, or just a thing that is in the middle. The floor is either the lowest in status, or rank, or just spacially lowest.

This again is important because according to me, this is a recurring theme, and understanding how one thing works might lead to understanding how another would.

I showed how political entities fall into this category, now how about other things.

For Humans, their ceiling is the physically high and also commanding unit which is their brains, The rest of the human body from the outside might be the walls, while the floor is the deep inner workings. The interesting thing about humans is that when one part of the body aches, the rest of the body gets affected. Everything runs so effectively and everything relates to one another. But when the brain is dead, the whole body is dead. One can get a heart attack, and their heart can be jolted back to life, likewise one can fix their body parts, and with stem cells, even grow them again to some extent.

This is an example of how important it is to have a "ceiling" These allegories are just to emphasize how important leaders are to a country, and to the other body parts, if we were to imagine countries as part of a whole body, and the whole being Earth. I already touched on that before saying that the leaders are doing all those atrocious things to their own people, and they are a huge factor in the demise and failure of their countries to be anything more than cold war standard 3rd world countries.

So if we were to super broaden our perspective, and discuss the whole universe as an FWC, how could I prove my theory. stay tuned for an interesting discussion about the purpose of life, the universe, and everything. That discussion might be interrupted if anything really interesting happens in the Arab world, in which case I will talk about that first.

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